coin operated by the way of a coin slot slop scrapper coin collector

What if the thing the ultimate version, the one that your local holyman sees when he looks in the mirror

what if he could come full circle and full square and also full non-euclidian and wrap a little man brain, about 3/4 of a foot wide in a world that is like 300,000,000 miles wide or something like that, like give me a break. You're going to unravel the mysteries of the universe by your one self?

by the way its not a space, it's an unknown liquid substance that keeps this little pocket over here and that little pocket over there. why? idk i dont make rules, i just try to listen to cultleader.

CULTLEADER is sending messages back to us to this timeline, from a time that can only be described as better. that timeline in the mirror for so few. perhaps too few, perhaps not even one at all. The un-attainable timeline, in-effible try, the flawless victory. Where is it? SENDER SENDAR SENDS A SENT ART SEEN DAY RE-SUN DARTS END ARTS, en d'air Send her cinn'd hearts SIN NARS SINNERS see its rights there in the spelling can't say I made the rules



"Is it clean?" The little pig-human boy said.

 Hamler wanted to use the class bathroom next but had a serious hang up about the other kindergarteners leaving a disgusting mess before he tried to go in for his turn.  

The other kid with the bowl cut and glistening upper lip just shook his head a little up and down, before noticing he'd only buttoned one of his overall snaps and must button the other while walking away from Hamler. 

Little Ham as his giant cow of a mother often called him, walked into the small room that would later become a source of inspiration for future night mares, filed correctly and incorrectly in the "liminal space" category along with some hashtags that might suggest it also would belong in the "things that weren't quite right from childhood looking back on it now" category. 

It does make sense to put a bathroom in the middle of a play room in a daycare, but it also seems a very wrong and weird things to do. I mean the pee and poop shame it could inflict on a young child having to do a private human thing basically 5 feet from all their peers is one thing, but the placement of this specific utility in the middle of a daycare room, is just kind of creepy. It is nostalgic in sort of a wrong way.  The fung-shui is off, yes, but it is deeper like something you'd see in a nightmare that your shadow psyche cooked up to send you a message like a warning about some place you should be cautious of... or some void you still need to stare into.

"fuck I got to piss" Hamler said with confidence he was finally alone. But Hamler was not alone in that little bathroom. You see the construction of the walls between the bathroom and the daycare room was with American building products, and American building products post-2020-pandemic have been largely swapped and replaced with more inexpensive versions of materials to save costs on globally dwindling industrialization as well as the globo-economic squeeze on 'unsanctioned' and more niche/higher quality materials due to consolidation and aggressive take over of ever more conglomerated corporations. And so the American building products that were paid for by the school committee and their big subsidy check from daddy gov for %50 of the budget in aggreement to alocate a large and undiscloded portion of said budget to the lowering of standardized test score requirements (after teachers union salary payouts); came out to fall under the eventual budget cuts that occurred in late august after construction had started. Then again in September, twice in October, and then once more in early December right before winter break. So by the time they needed to purchase the drywall to construct this weird liminal awful little childs bathroom in the middle of a play room:

The original contract converted into a different pricing structure making it more expensive theoretically (but not theugically) for the bathroom wall to be what was purchased in the original building plans: doubled up 5/8" drywall panels on both sides, cleated and staggered studs with roxul, green glue, and an air gap up against a 5mil sheet of loaded mass vinyl and a floating vapor barrier system. The first round of cuts came shortly after closing the contract when the board members were discussing "things" in secret at their homes with each other and one of them started talking about his idiot contractor brother-in-law who does big jobs for government offices and he mentioned you can get away with using 3/8" board on one side and the clients never notice, and how it pockets him about $3 a square foot on these big jobs and that really adds up. The second round of cuts came durring a week when the weather was just lovely outside and neither the ac or the heating needed to be turned on, and so durring the board meeting, they all decided they didn't really need extra insullation in the inside walls because it feels so nice in here already, and plus they could put that extra money saved into their "special fund". Then by the third and fourth round of cuts, Becky-Anne from the board went through the materials list and noticed there was supposed to be panels on each side with air gap for the bathroom walls, but had the bright idea to get rid of the air gap saying "we dont need an extra little room for air! and besides we'll save space and make the room bigger", not knowing that the air gap helps reduce the transmission of noise between rooms and the amount of space between two panels that make up a wall is only about 4 inches. She called the next day with more demands all around the building and the loaded mass vinyl got cut. The fifth round of cuts was so stupid and mind numbing you don't even want to know about it. And so on the commitee continued and eventually it was agreed upon for a single panel of 3/8" drywall and teacher provided wallpaper to be used for the bathroom. (this would leave the studs exposed but the contractor 'failed' to mention that and knew they could get away with it by painting them the same color as the wall. after all who cares, this client was dumb and unattentive just like the rest...and he missed his home country Brazil.)

After all that, as if the buffoonery and silly billy games weren't enough, post pandemic global and domestic ISO Standards and regulatory tolerances inspections from local governing authorities were falling behind and scoring at an all time low. Workers, underpaid and unappreciated, were listless and found no motivation in societies slanted tilts. And so from all the raw materials suplliers, to the verticle corporate supply chains,  the factories, plants, distributors, shippers, logistics, all the way down to the big box retail franchise where these American building products were ultimately purchased; after all the scrimping and chimping and cutting corners at every different station; it turned out that the 3/8" drywall being sold as "3/8" drywall" when measured was more like a lite 1/4". AND... the availablility of standard compositions of rocks used in making drywall like the mica, the clay, and certain calciums used in the gypsum formulas changed drastically in response to a rapidly changing global supply chain. There was a worldwide artificial chip shortage that backlogged specifically in this daycare's case, a ship christening that would have been a larger and safer ship for an Indiana concrete plant supplying a Boston distributor to have received its materials from Indonesia, but instead by the time that larger ship was available it was bought out by Blackrock and the smaller shipping company that planned on trying to upgrade their fleet wasnt able to keep up and even with their smaller and less secure boats working overtime went out of business and had to sell off remaining assets to Blackrock anyway and the factory in Indiana that makes the panels had to start buying from a Chinese supplier, but the Chinese supplier is using different blends of cheaper stone with expirimental materials and things like calcium sulfates that on paper are the same as the real stuff but are produced with a new kind of process that involves extracting certain kinds of mold and causes it to sometimes grow white crumbly spots in some cases when it's hardened inside a drywall board and furthur testing has shown that this gypsum made from transmuted materials suffers from a far reduced tensile strength rating, but they have trade aggreements with larger distribution companies since they have bigger backing and a famous investor, and so naturally smaller companies are finding that they have to work with these bigger conglomerates if they want to stay afloat even though its killing them slowly and customers are complaining the products do not perform as well as the legacy brands they are used to seeing in stores and some of their peers who by seeing the writing on the walls have been jumping ship. AND... the paper used to hold the drywall together is made by a company that is also known for producing extremely hazardous chemicals for other industrial applications, and they have figured out a method to recycle some of their industrial waste into a "safe-to-use" adhesive that they turn around and sell to a different portion of their company for a hefty tax write off that produces their drywall paper, and that  drywall paper's "safe-to-use" adhesive chemical is actually not so safe-to-use but was simply approved by the FDA because the former CEO worked for an FDA adjacent NGO with strong ties to the FDA and so they were able to skirt a few test procedures and massage the results just enough to get it approved for residential use. So now not only is this thin drywall panel under weighted and suffering from a reduced clarity of existence; it is also toxic.

And because of all that, when Hamler said "fuck I got to piss", all of his daycare classmates and the teacher heard him say it. 

They were furious with Hamler, they kicked him out of daycare and threw all his finger paintings out to the curb with him.

Hamler was bruised but not defeated yet, he picked up his legs and arms and said to himself "they want to be furous with me? Ill show them some fury, Ill be the so furious, theyll call me the furir-est

And with that he marched on down the road and overthrew Poland.

Becky-Anne will go on to receive a company award for MVP from the hr department, which she oversees.

The Brazilian man wants to change his life. He moves to Colorado and gets hired working a remote email job for a Brazilian app developer and due to visa issues gets stuck in the Bahamas while attending the first annual company retreat at the Atlantis Resort.

sep 8 2024